Check why you should be careful why buying palm oil in the market.

Fack palm oils are mixed with expired paint flooded in the market today.
the news about palm oil mixed with chemical has because one of the deadly way one contact disease without solution or recommendation, many humans  have lost their life through this process, please be careful about how you choose and buy things in the market today especially lagos state nigeria, the state has become one of the prodent producer of fake oil and many cases are been count according to world health organization.continue reading...

this are some precautions you need to take on how to prevent yourself from buying fake oil in the market.

1. Always check the product before you        buy. many people fall in victim while          buying oil without checking it from the      market I urge you to check it

2. Don't believe you have customers ,             many people put trust in their                     costumer but latter not knowing what       they are using to cook until the    infection start
3. Always be a human of action, don't allow nobody to control you. this are the pictures of some mixed fake oil with paint.


Anonymous said…
Thank I appreciate